May 5, 2017

What does CF "really look like?"

So it's Cystic Fibrosis Awareness Month and that means that Facebook and many other social media outlets are exploding with posts about CF. What it is, what it means, who has it, why we need funding. I personally have zero problem with talking about my cystic fibrosis for the rest of the months, but it is encouraging to see the community come together every year to bring much needed attention to this illness that affects us so deeply. I've noticed, however, a few posts, discussions and dare I say arguments about "what CF really looks like" and that it's not glamorous or pretty. I've seen this recently and on a number of occasions in the past.

Some think that the best way to bring awareness to is to show the graphic photos. Photos that bare witness to our most fragile state. Photos inside the hospital walls because most people will never have the chance to see something that raw. Others, take a different approach. They aren't as comfortable sharing that vulnerable side of their disease and they would rather post a picture where they look healthier, maybe with their make up and hair done or even a fun snapchat filter. Or maybe they don't want to be labeled as "sick" and they'd rather share the "normal", non-CF side of their lives as a way of showing the world that they're just like everyone else.

Well I, being who I am, have a few thoughts.