October 29, 2015

#tbt to that time I let some guy permanently place a chunk of metal in my chest

Today is Thursday, which of course means I have to post a #tbt. While TimeHop did remind me this morning of the single most amazing best friends halloween costume I have ever had being one year ago today (said costume can be seen here), I thought I should probably blog about something slightly more "substantial"....

Earlier this evening, I had a conversation with a friend who will be getting her first mediport placed tomorrow. I realized while talking to her, that just over a year ago, I was in her exact position. (I know, because about four days ago, TimeHop reminded me of that Instagram post.....) I wrote a blog about my decision to get a mediport placed. It was not an easy decision for me. I was angry, sad and more than anything.... absolutely terrified. Thinking back to the feelings I had before my port and my perspective now, I had a reality check about how much change can happen in a year's time.

DISCLAIMER: After 23 years, I don't even flinch at "medical" stuff anymore, but out of respect to those that do find the topic less than desireable, I will say now this post contains mildly graphic images. 

If you'd like to take the long jog down memory lane, you can read my original blog post here (http://www.jillian-goodwin.com/2014/10/sometimes-hardest-thing-and-right-thing.html#more). But for those that would prefer the quick 'n easy version, carry on...